Thursday, January 26, 2012

How To Block Internet Download Manager Automatic Updates

There is a much more effective way of stopping the update checks, you will need to open up regedit (there isno need to run as administrator) and go to the following key:

and then change the “LastCheck” and/or “LastTry” value to something like e.g.:


Then restart your computer and you will no longer be nagged!

I have always hated how Internet Download Managers developers have forced the “automatic update” us all of its users.

As well as sending sensitive (serial / license checking) data back to their servers, it also nags you to update!

If you want to put an end to this invasion of privacy, all you need to do it is simply add the following to your host file: localhost localhost localhost

You can edit your host file you a utility such as BarevTM Host File Editor

Or you can setup your firewall to block this IP on ALL ports: AND AND this Host:


tarkan dost said...

it doesnt work anymore

just download Firewall App Blocker v1.2

then drag and drop all exe files in the Internet download manager folder to the Firewall App Blocker thats all
have fun mates

davidbond said...

This is an excellent post for this particular topic.
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